I am pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, advised by Assoc. Prof. Ming Wen. Before that, I received my B.S. degree from the School of Computer Science and Engineering at NJUPT in 2020. I am also a visiting Ph.D. student at Nanyang Technological University under the supervision of Prof. Yang Liu during 2024-2025.

My current research interests revolve around supply chain security, program analysis, and automated testing technologies for software.

🔥 News

  • [2024.08]  🎉🎉 Two paper were accepted by the Research track of ASE 2024!
  • [2024.07]  🎉🎉 One paper was accepted by the ACL 2024!
  • [2024.06]  🎉🎉 One paper was accepted by the ASPLOS 2024!

📝 Publications

  • [ASE’24] How Does Code Optimization Impact Third-party Library Detection for Android Applications? Zifan Xie, Ming Wen, Tinghan Li, Yiding Zhu, Qinsheng Hou, Hai Jin. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2024. (CCF-A) [preprint] [CODE]

  • [ASE’24] Unveiling Characteristics and Impact of Security Patch Evolution in OSS Projects. Zifan Xie, Ming Wen, Zichao Wei, Hai Jin. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2024. (CCF-A) [preprint] [CODE]

  • [ACL’24] Generalization-Enhanced Code Vulnerability Detection via Multi-Task Instruction Fine-Tuning. Xiaohu Du, Ming Wen, Jiahao Zhu, Zifan Xie, Bin Ji, Huijun Liu, Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin. In Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024. (CCF-A) [PDF] [DOI] [CODE]

  • [ASPLOS’24] Validating JVM Compilers via Maximizing Optimization Interactions. Zifan Xie, Ming Wen, Shiyu Qiu, Hai Jin. In ACM Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2024. (CCF-A) [preprint] [CODE]

  • [ISSTA’23] Precise and Efficient Patch Presence Test for Android Applications against Code Obfuscation. Zifan Xie, Ming Wen, Haoxiang Jia, Xiaochen Guo, Xiaotong Huang, Deqing Zou, Hai Jin. In ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2023. (CCF-A) [PDF] [DOI] [CODE]

  • [ASE’23] AutoLog: A Log Sequence Synthesis Framework for Anomaly Detection. Yintong Huo, Yichen Li, Yuxin Su, Pinjia He, Zifan Xie, Michael R. Lyu. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2023. (CCF-A) [PDF] [DOI] [CODE]

  • [ICSE’23] Detecting JVM JIT Compiler Bugs via Exploring Two-Dimensional Input Spaces. Haoxiang Jia, Ming Wen, Zifan Xie, Xiaochen Guo, Rongxin Wu, Maolin Sun, Kang Chen, Hai Jin. In International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023. (CCF-A) [PDF] [DOI] [CODE]

  • [TSE’23] Effective Isolation of Fault-Correlated Variables via Statistical and Mutation Analysis. Ming Wen, Zifan Xie, Kaixuan Luo, Xiao Chen, Yibiao Yang, Hai Jin. In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2023. (CCF-A) [PDF] [DOI] [CODE]

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2021 National Scholarship.
  • 2022 Second Place in the Software Security Track of the DataCon Big Data Security Analysis Competition.